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Crystal & Brian — Minted




Crystal and Brian

Please join us for our wedding celebration on

Our Story

In the summer of 2011, Brian & Crystal toured their new middle school and laid eyes on each other for the first time. Little did they know - it would only be a short matter of time before forever started for them. When school started in the fall of 2011, they were given assigned seats across from each other in their seventh-grade social studies class. They quickly became the best of friends and spent all of their spare time making jokes with each other or drawing pictures in each other's notebooks.

On March 16, 2013 - Brian wore his heart on his sleeve and asked Crystal to be his girlfriend. Fast forward 11 years to the day, and she is about to become his wife.

Brian & Crystal have quite literally grown up with each other. They cheered on the sidelines at each other's sports games, celebrated getting their driver's licenses together, called each other excitedly after accepting their first jobs, attended proms together, graduated high school, graduated college, traveled together, and purchased their first home together. As they begin this next chapter of their love story, they are grateful to be sharing it with their nearest and dearest family and friends who have spent the last 11 years watching their love grow.